Meet Kortni Harting Langsweirdt
Kortni’s Story
With two children of my own, I can’t imagine losing them as my parents almost lost me. I came into this world swallowing meconium and having my lungs pumped for hours before I was in my mother’s arms. At 7 months, I died in my father’s arms, was rushed to the hospital and put in ICU for 10 days, while they stabilized my little body back to life.
Since I experienced many breathing complications and challenges growing up, my parents could not travel without having a medical breathing machine with us at all times—just in case I needed it!
I actually died twice in the hospital, which left me the diagnosis of lack of oxygen in certain parts of my brain. Doctors told my parents I would not live a normal life… that I would be mentally impaired and that they would need to institutionalize me.
The day the doctors told my parents this prognosis was the day that changed my family’s life forever. My mother said NO!!! She will NOT be institutionalized. She will live a normal life and not be medicated!
My amazing mother got in the driver seat and we have not looked back since. She traveled all over the world studying nutrition, aromatherapy, self-motivation, and conscious language—even earning two PhD’s in the process. My father, brother and I were her guinea pigs for trying out whatever new discovery about nutrition she had just learned; like going vegetarian when my father was a Burger King franchisee, selling hamburgers for our livelihood!
My youngest childhood memories are of taking a handful of supplements each morning and being marinated in essentials oils. On our way to school my mother would give my brother Dallas and me a nutritious shake (I now learned that it was the sneaky way she used to dose me with all my unswallow-able supplements). Berry Young Juice was a staple growing up—the very same miracle formula now known as NingXia Red.
My childhood was filled with aromas and smells. School was a challenge with everything rotating around memory. My short-term memory was the part that had been impaired by lack of oxygen when I was 7 months. The oils made a huge impact because back then we had aroma pens with essential oils on them.
I would smell them when studying and bring them out when testing. Peppermint was my favorite. My mother was always positioning for my rights to use the essentials oils and supplements in my classrooms and schools. This was not easy for her—or for me—at times.
Being a mother now of two small children, I am excited to call them oily babies. I use and do what my mother did for me…there’s an oil for everything! My favorites quote is: There’s an oil for that!
My brother Dallas and I only know of a world of essential oils (as my mother was a pioneer and founding member with Young Living when some of the bottles actually had hand-written labels)! We are so blessed to be one of the many second generations in Young Living with now my children being third generation. I feel very blessed to be a part of the Young Living Family. With our Seed to Seal® guarantee ensuring purity of the oils and supplements, I have full trust and comfort knowing my family is getting the BEST!
In today’s world we are exposed to and bombarded with so many chemicals and toxins. We, as parents (our children’s guardians), are to protect, nurture and love them into this world. They deserve the purest, and best that we can give! Their little bodies are so precious and vulnerable to their environments, foods,
emotional surrounding, and spiritual surroundings. This is why I personally use Young Living essential oils and oil-infused supplements for me and my family.
Thirty-three years ago this is the book my mother needed when I was born! It is an honor to be an author, sharing knowledge and years of experience using essential oils and natural-based nutrition with you and your babies. My mother was experimenting daily on what would work for me or not. This is something
you will still have to do, but now you have a foundation and starting point within these pages. Being able to partnering with Life Science Publishing to get this information to you as easily as possible through recipes, pictures and suggestions is a lifelong purpose fulfilled! God has given me a purpose having come back to life twice: perhaps it is to share this information with you.
God bless you!
Get The Book
Aroma Infant
Aroma Infant: Using Essential Oils To Support Conception, Prenatal, Pregnancy, Birth & Neonatal Health
Click here to order your copy of Aroma Infant
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